The CompanyExperience in four generations

To meet the requirements of a state-of-the-art saw mill we continously expanded our location in Vilshofen a. d. Donau and passed on our experience from generation to generation. Today the company grounds comprise the size of about 22 ha, which corresponds to about 31 football fields. We are proud to have grown from a family business to a high-performance partner within the timber industry.

  • 1935

    Holzwerke Winzierl anno 1935. Im Vordergrund steht Hans Weinzierl vor einem Stamm.
    • Company foundation by Hans Weinzierl
    • Incision annually approx. 800 solid cubic meters round and lumber transport with horses
  • Until 1970

    • Constant development in the newest technologies and processes
  • 1984

    • Commissioning of a new reducer circular line with newest edger optimizer and trimming
  • 1998

    • Construction of a new high speed reducer circular line. New center board sorting line and new sideboard sorting line with endtrimming
  • 2000 - 2005

    • Moving to a newly built administration building
    • massive expansion of the drying capacities
    • building and commissioning of a tray resorting line. Installation and start up of a log yard for short logs 3,0 to 5,0m
    • Commissioning of a biomass cogeneration plant to generate heat and green energy
  • 2009 - 2010

    • Building of a pellet production plant including a belt dryer
    • Completion of a further combined heat and power plant with equipment for flue gas treatment
    • Further expansion of the drying capacities
    • Installation of a further re-sorting of dried timber
    • Expansion of the depots for round logs and timber
  • 2011 - 2015

    • Expansion of the capacities in the pellet production plant
    • Building of the further heat generation plants
    • Expansion of the depots for round logs and timber
    • Development of a second location in Pleinting
  • 2016 - 2022

    • Construction of a 2nd site in Pleinting
    • Construction of a new log debarking and sorting plant
    • Expansion of the pellets plant
    • Construction of a warehouse at the Pleinting site
    • Expansion of the drying capacities
    • Construction / Installation of 5 photovoltaic systems to secure the energy supply

Our most important good – our employees.

An honest communication, a constant dialogue at eye level and secure, state-of-the-art workplaces are just three aspects of the weinzierl philosophy.

From young trainees to experienced and long-time employees – who wants to be successful today, has to rely on a functioning team. As a grown owner-managed company we attach great importance to a transparent and honest communication among each other. Today we employ about 120 employees – which make us one of the biggest regional employers.

For every 100 solid cubic meters of round log we produce we secure one workplace within the timber industry.
With approximately 650.000 solid cubic meters each year we secure work for 6500 full-time employees within the different industry sectors – a huge number which fills us with pride.

100 solid cubic meters ≈ 1 full-time employee

650.000 solid cubic meters ≈ 6.500 full-time employees

Familie Weinzierl
Luftaufnahmen auf das Weinzierl-Gelände
Kran belädt Förderbahn mit Rundstämmen.
Hans Weinzierl sen. im Vordergrund und Hans Weinzierl im Hintergrund

Family-owned and committed to the raw material wood with all our strength: our sawmill combines history, tradition and the present at the same time. Our success is based on a down-to-earth attitude. But only the entire Weinzierl team makes the company what it is now.

Mitarbeiter beim aussortieren von Dachlatten vor der Fertigungsanlage
Luftaufnahmen auf das Weinzierlgelände mit Runstämmen im Vordergrund und den Sägespähnen-Silos im Hintergrund.
Frontansicht des eigenen Kraftwerks

The raw material inspires you just like it inspires us?

We should get to know each other


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